Community Resources
It Takes a Village
Stepping into a new role as a mother can feel isolating, especially if you feel like you are trying to parent in ways that are "against the grain." And how on earth do you know what all caregivers are out there, let alone who to choose for yourself and your family? The good news is that you don't have to do this alone! Whatever your goals, you have many care options. Sooo many others out there are trying to navigate this parenting thing, too. The resources below are my compilation of not only service and provider resources, but circles of peer support so that you can enjoy a sense of belonging and build your own #tribe.
When you're pregnant, it can be overwhelming to know where to go for prenatal care and resources. It can be tempting to just choose a provider you already know, or that a friend likes, but not all care providers are created equal. It's important to know what is important to you when it comes to you and your baby's health. Some of the resources below are great places to learn about your pregnancy and birth options so you can decide what you want. Others are care providers or resources for practical needs that I can speak highly of from my experience. I hope this gives you a good jumpstart!
- Athens Birth Circle
- Meets monthly at their very own home in the collaborative space, The Nest. Other offerings like play groups, yoga, etc are offered through the week.
- 217 Columbus Rd Suite 103 Athens, OH
- 740-562-MAMA
The Birth Circle is a must-plug-into community for expectant parents and parents of young children! Meetings cover important pregnancy and parenting topics, and a lending library filled with books, baby carriers, birth pools and equipment is available at and between meetings. Many local birth workers are often at the meetings so it can be a great place to get to know some of your resources in an informal setting.
- Lauren Genter
- Ohio Hills Midwifery
- 94A Columbus Road, Athens, Ohio
- 614-940-2919
I can't sing Lauren's praises enough! Bringing years of experience to the table, she attends home births with respect and warmth in typically anywhere within a 60 mile radius of Athens, where her office is located. You can trust that she will do all in her power to be available and make you feel supported.
Yep, I'm linking back to my childbirth education page! Because no matter the type of birth you want, I can't say enough how crucial it is to be equipped with this knowledge to prepare for your most positive birth possible (regardless of the outcome). The testimonials of GentleBirth parents' empowering births are countless!
If you are looking for the best pregnancy tracker, baby name lists, and all the online pregnancy/parenting things, look no further! At this site you'll find evidence-based birth and baby info, a super-cool visual birth plan builder, and the Mama Natural book (a.k.a. the new pregnancy Bible). You don't have to be a #crunchymom to find tons of useful tips and info!
- Dr. Heather M Irvin,
- Camden Clark
Camden Clark Building C 604 Ann Street Parkersburg, WV - 304-865-5065
- Camden Clark
Dr. Irvin is another respectful, supportive OB in our MOV area. She attends births at WVU Medicine Camden Clark, which is currently in the early stages of becoming a Baby Friendly hospital.
- Pregnancy Resource Center
- 43A South Court Street Athens, Ohio
- Call: 740-592-4700
- Text: 740-591-2273
I've known many parents who expressed continual gratitude for the unconditional emotional and practical support, and confidence they received here. Counseling, ultrasounds, pregnancy tests, and Parenting Essentials classes are confidential and one-on-one for a secure, warm feel. Many were empowered by being able to earn baby necessities through the classes. All free of charge!
- Prepared Parents Workshop, by the Athens Birth Circle
- New location to be announced
- 740-652-MAMA
The Prepared Parents Workshop is a free series of sessions designed to equip parents with pregnancy/parenting education and even baby gear! Many parents return for future sessions even after their baby is born because they love the community of support and friendships they have found there! There is special programming for dads too, so take them along!
- Women's Care Center
3007 Dudley Avenue, Parkersburg, WV-
- 304-485-7113
While this is an especially fantastic place for support and option education in an unplanned pregnancy, some of my clients have benefitted from their pregnancy tests and limited ultrasound, as well as their program that allows parents to earn baby care items. All free!
Despite all of the wonderful things that can go along with pregnancy and new parenthood, there can also be unexpected, yet valid difficulties emotionally. Whether you are dealing with full-blown depression/anxiety, or just feel kinda blue, there are so many people and resources out there to help you! Look no further!
- Brielle Clark
- Hopewell Health Center Early Childhood Program
- 9 Kenny Dr. Athens, Ohio
- 740-589-5132
Counselor specializing in pregnancy/postpartum issues
- Catherine Shanks, LSW
- Hopewell Washington Behavioral Health Care Clinic
- 2434 Richmiller Lane, Suite F Belpre, OH 45714
- 740-423-8095
Counselor specializing in pregnancy/postpartum issues
- Gentlebirth App (iOS and Android)
Personalized brain-training audio tracks to help you feel calm, confident, and capable as a parent. Can't recommend this enough!
- Online Emotional Therapy/Support
Incredible, free resources for both moms and dads struggling emotionally surrounding pregnancy/postpartum.
While medical care certainly has it's important place, we do ourselves a disservice if we stop there when finding answers for our and our family's health. In our culture we've been taught that medical advice is the only reliable health option, but I can't tell you how many times I've found answers to seemingly permanent health problems by discovering other holistic approaches to my issues! You've struck a treasure trove...scroll on!
- Active Care Chiropractic
- 507 Richland Avenue Athens Ohio
- 740-818-8667
Believe it or not, regular chiropractic care is important during pregnancy to help minimize aches and pains, but also to help your body and baby be aligned well for an easier birth. Since it deals with our nervous system, many other body functions can also be improved by regular chiropractic care!
- Be Well Chiropractic
- 715 West Union Street, Ste 2 Athens Ohio, 45701
- 740-591-7788
Dr. Williams is a wealth of knowledge about alternative health! He is skilled in the Webster technique to turn breech babies. He also offers various other holistic health testing as well as nutritional consultations. Another perk: I work there, so we can see each other more there as well!
- Hughes Family Chiropractic
- 1039 Market Street Parkersburg, WV 26101
- 304-428-6900
Also trained in the Webster technique for breech babies, by Dr. Webster himself! Anne even has offered to come to a client's birth during labor to do adjustments to help labor progress if needed!
- InMotion Physical Therapy
- 1605 Grand Central Avenue Vienna, WV 261057
- 304-295-7290
One fantastic provider of pelvic floor therapy - a must for new moms to restore such an important area in their body.
- Jill Brown Prenatal Massage
AceNet- Columbus Rd Athens, OH
- 740-591-9360
Massage is stereotyped as a "luxury" things, but it is a true form of therapy that can help with many different aches, pains, and other ailments before, during, and after pregnancy.
- Rehabilitation Services-Castrop Health Center
- 75 Hospital Dr. Castrop Health Ctr Athens, OH
- 740-566-4570
Another pelvic floor therapy option for you. Natalie is so knowledgeable and passionate about helping others regain proper function in this critical area of the body!
- Renew Wellness Center/Oasis Salt Cave
- 2800 Grand Central Ave Vienna, WV
- 304--893-9888
Holistic Complementary Care including Reiki, Reflexology, Ionic Detoxing, and much more! Yes, she sees babies and pregnant mothers too!
- Serene Wellness
- 111 3rd St. Marietta, OH
- 304-494-5687
Various types of massage as well as paraffin dips for hands and feet. Available for in-home massages on weekends.
- Freedom Family Healthcare
- Barbara Lott MSN, APRN, NP-C
- 800 Division Street Parkersburg, WV
- 304-485-9027
Homeopathy, naturopathy, herbalism, etc. Offers homeopathic alternatives to many vaccines.
Chances are you've heard plenty of discouraging stories from others about how they "couldn't" breastfeed, and you may feel unsure about your own ability. Good news! In most cases when someone "couldn't" breastfeed it's because they were not surrounded with adequate, knowledgeable support and resources. For some, breastfeeding is a breeze, but if it's more challenging for you, that's completely normal too. It just means it's time to reach out.
- Appalachian Breastfeeding Network
- 888-588-3423
24 hour breastfeeding hotline!
- Penny Williams RN, BSN, IBCLC
- 75 Hospital Dr. Athens, OH
- 740-592-9364
- Register for webinars here.
Offering breastfeeding consultations for patients associated with O'Bleness as well as monthly Breastfeeding Preparation Webinars.
- Esali Birth
- 304-482-4729
In-home or virtual breastfeeding support with a holistic approach through gentle latch guidance, how to know baby is getting milk, emotional care, lactation aids, nipple healing, tongue-tie assessment, discomfort prevention and troubleshooting. Free clinic and monthly support group at the MOV Families Monthly Social.
Free online breastfeeding information included in what’s advertised as the “Online Childbirth Class.” Written portions and some videos.
- La Leche League Leaders
- Cassie Meek 740-707-2519
- Sherri 740-274-0835
- Facebook: Athens La Leche League
- Pump Access
Your insurance may very well cover the purchase of an electric breast pump! Be sure to contact them to find out which pumps are eligible, and their required process to be reimbursed. You may also be able to rent a hospital-grade electric pump from your hospital. Hospitals typically have free hand pumps available.
Breastfeeding peer counselors, free breast pumps for WIC participants
- Dr. Anna Wright, DO and Imber Coppinger, DO
- Athens, Ohio
- 740-592-4229
Neuromuskuloskeletal and Osteopathic Manipulation Medicine. She can do adjustments similar to chiropractors' that can help baby's alignment and help baby be able to latch/position better to nurse. She has a very good reputation among birth workers in the area!
Looking for budget-friendly ways to build your baby supply stash? Check out these various opportunities to do just that, many of which help you prepare through educating yourself, too!
- Lending Libraries
The Birth Circle offers an extensive lending library including postpartum and parenting books, baby carriers, postpartum belly wraps, etc. Birthsource has a small similar library for clients. Mamaology does as well, and the Athens Public Library has a special shelf of parent/baby books sponsored by The Birth Circle.
- Pregnancy and Parenting Essentials at the Pregnancy Resource Center of Athens County
- 77 East State St. Athens, Ohio
- Text: 740-591-CARE (2273)
- Call: 740-592-4700
Choose your parenting educational lesson topics, schedule at your convenience, and earn baby care items as you learn! Start the program anytime during your pregnancy or during your child's first year of life. Free!
- Prepared Parents Workshop by the Athens Birth Circle
- 740-652-6262
Provided by The Birth Circle, different dates of the workshop series cover themes such as pregnancy, birth, breastfeeding, and postpartum.
- Women's Care Center
- 3007 Dudley Avenue Parkersburg, WV
- 800-595-7113
In addition to free pregnancy tests and ultrasound services, the Women's Care Center offers an eductional program that parents can participate in to earn baby care items--even a car seat!
It can be super easy to self-isolate when you're in that new-baby phase, and if we're not careful, that habit can continue until we're not in a healthy social place. Don't stop reaching out until you've found at least one circle of community that you feel like could be "your people." They don't have to have the same philosophy as you on everything, but at least some similarities that make you comfortable with them. Here are a few places to start your search!
- Athens Birth Circle
740-652-MAMA (6262)
Monthly meetings include sharing of birth stories, presentations and discussion topics related to pregnancy, childbirth, and parenting. Other regular social events such as Mom's Night Out, Prepared Parent Workshop, play groups, yoga, and more. More local resources listed at their website.
- Baby and Toddler Storytime
- Athens Public Library 30 Home St. Athens, OH
Stimulate and delight your child's senses. Enjoy rhymes, songs, reading and play. Build skills that will help your child grow up ready to read. Siblings are welcome. Parents and caregivers are expected to stay with children during all storytime sessions.
Ages 0 through 2 and their grownups.
A Facebook community of mamas local to the Athens and surrounding areas.
- Mamaology
- Mamaology Private Discussion Page
- Also on Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest
Provides education, resources, and support throughout pregnancy, birth, and parenting. With local workshops, play groups, and social networking, you’ll find a loving group of experienced and friendly families dedicated to promoting the best informed decisions for the future of our children and encouraging
individual choices for each unique situation.
Rallying women to come together and help each other in this thing called motherhood.
The side of pregnancy no one likes to think about. However, if are or think you may be facing a pregnancy loss or a life limiting diagnosis for your baby, there is still comprehensive, compassionate support for you and your family. Just because your birth isn't all sunshine doesn't mean that you don't have options and choices to make the most of your experience. We are here to honor your experience in all of it's facets...the beautiful and the heart-breaking, and help you navigate your options.
- Athens Area Photography
- Liz 801-971-4565
- Julia 740-448-7454.
Newborn photography for any gestation, a well as maternity sessions for families facing a life-limiting diagnosis for their baby.
- Athens Pregnancy and Infant Loss Support Group
- Autumn 740-541-2041 or Emily 740-808-2448
- Private Facebook Support Group
No longer meets in person, but the leaders are happy to provide one-on-one support over the phone, in-person, etc.
- Birthsource Birth and Bereavement Doula Support
- 740-818-5039 (call or text)
- Message Here
Even if--or especially when--you are facing pregnancy loss or a life-limiting diagnosis for your baby, you still have birth options. I'm here as your certified Stillbirthday Birth and Bereavement Doula to walk through this journey with you, help you have less regrets, and make the most of the moments with your baby. If you're post-loss, I'm still here to talk with you and help you find ways to heal!
- MOV Pregnancy and Infant Loss Support Group (Sufficient Grace Walking With You Group)
- Jeremiah's Coffee House Marietta OH
- Facebook Private Discussion Group
Meets 1st Thursday of each month
- The Birth Circle
- Emily 740-808-2448 or Kailyn 740-818-5039
Free Kits with Practical and Comfort items for those currently experiencing miscarriage or threatened miscarriage.
An absolute treasure trove of information and resources to help you navigate your pregnancy or afterwards. Birth plan templates for birth in any trimester or outcome (D&C's, miscarriage, stillbirth, etc), because a pregnancy loss is still a birthday. Find a Stillbirthday Birth and Bereavement doula near you (if you live near the MOV you've already found one--me!). Connect with others going through similar experiences. Discover pathways to healing.
- Sufficient Grace
- 407 S. Stearns Ave Deshler OH
- 419-278-7640
Perinatal hospice support for families receiving a life-limiting diagnosis in pregnancy, and emergent support for those who experience the loss of a baby in any gestation. Comfort items such as memory bears and memory books are available for purchase, or free to bereaved families.
An unplanned pregnancy can bring a whirlwind of emotions, whether you are in a stable relationship or not. Fear can be a very normal feeling during such an unexpected time. You may be debating about whether or not to continue the pregnancy. While you may feel urgency to do something about it quickly, it's of utmost importance to make sure you truly understand the pros and cons of each of your options and what you can expect. These places listed below offer free, confidential services and will take the time to walk you through what is really happening inside of your body, what abortion, adoption, or parenting could really look like, and will help connect you with needed resources.
If the locations below are not close enough or not available, you still have help! Try these:
- 24-Hour Helpline 800-712-4357
- 24-Hour Textline 740-591-CARE (2273)
- Pregnancy Resource Center of Athens County
- 77 East State St. Athens, Ohio
- Text: 740-591-CARE (2273)
- Call: 740-592-4700
Offering free pregnancy tests, confirmation ultrasound, and peer consultants and medical staff who are ready to share information about your options. Decision making guides as well as opportunities to be in contact with those who have walked the journey of each of your options are available to you. Also offers post-abortion peer counseling and an educational Pregnancy and Parenting Program for those choosing adoption or parenting to earn maternity and baby care items.
- Women's Care Center
- 3007 Dudley Avenue Parkersburg, WV
- 800-595-7113
- (if closed, please call 800-395-HELP)
In addition to free pregnancy tests, confirmation ultrasound, and peer options counseling, the Women's Care Center offers an educational program that those choosing parenting or adoption can participate in to earn baby care items--even a car seat!
- You can always call/text or message me here at Birthsource as well!
- 740-818-5039
Want to explore working with me?

Gentlebirth Classes
Combining brain science, birth science, and tech to prepare you and your partner for the most positive birth possible.

Birth Doula Support
Your personal pregnancy and birth coach, encyclopedia, and comfort. Readily available before, at, and after your birth.

Placenta Encapsulation
Best care options for your body, mind, and family continue. Stack the odds in your favor for your best postpartum!